OUR Music

Below you find an overview of our currently available albums. As you click on a CD icon you can listen to that specific CD. You can either buy my albums or purchase the music as a high quality download. 

We have created this music over the last 10 years and I continue to feel grateful for the overwhelmingly beautiful and often times touching feedback we continue to receive from people all over the world. If you want to share your experiences, we would love to hear from you, too.

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4 CD albums !

Dream Of The Blue Whale
It takes you and your consciousness on a beaut
iful journey into the depths of an oceanic world. Carried by the sounds of Anders Holte’s voice and the orchestral accompaniment of Cacina Meadu you find yourself traversing with the whales into stellar dimensions beyond space and time.

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Lemurian Home Coming
Anders Holte’s first interdimensional album which to date has been sold in more than 60 countries around the world. The very sound of this music connects the listener with a deeper truth. An origin, a beautiful time and a space we all once knew.

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Atlantis Remembers
Many people have a close connection to Atlantis. Its prime and its downfall. The music and depth of this album enables the listener to gently re-connect with these times and lovingly be guided into the luminous rise of a New World.

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My World
This is Anders Holte’s first album which blends both interdimensional music sung in "sound language" as well as beautiful songs with lyrics in English. It is his second collaboration with Cacina Meadu with whom he also created the album “Dream Of The Blue Whale”. 

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This album was created in collaboration with Crimson Circle after a journey to ancient Egypt. The music is based on live recordings we did with the 120 participants in the temples along the Nile and in the Great Pyramid.  

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 A special edition album, released at the Crimson Circle's Midsummer Conference 2009.

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Special track!  "Forgiven" - recorded LIVE in Berlin!




What people say about our music ...


P.S.: If you ever get to Austin, I will be there with bells on!!!”

Michel Lee O., United States

“Anders, your music is incomparable! There is no other like it! So very beautiful… Thank you for blessing us all with you!”

Eileen A.

“I absolutely love your voice for it is tonally perfect. I never hear an inbreath or outbreath, it just flows. It seems so familiar to me and I listen a lot to you on my Ipod. It always, always brings me back to center and brings tears to my eyes and opens my heart. You have without a doubt a voice of an Angel, a gift from Creator. So thank you so much for sharing your amazing instrument with me and with all of us.”

Fee R., United Kingdom

“When I play your Voice during a past life regression, my clients boost in tears remembering the most profound issues! Therefore if you organize anything also in Europe, I will happily try!”

Claudia R., Italy

“I LOVE your music.  I've been listening to “Lemurian Home Coming” and it's just EXQUISITE.  Your music sends me UP UP and AWAY and brings SO much tranquility to my life.  I'm also listening to "My World' when I'm driving and it's REALLY WONDERFUL!  Thank you for bringing and sharing your BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING talent/voice to this World!!”

Sherri Cousart, United States

“Thank you so much for your beautiful music. I am a nurse, sound healer and Reiki Master Teacher in the US. I was recently introduced to your music and it is so magical and profound. I now use it in my classes as I teach people about Reiki and sound healing... Thank You for your work... it is amazing!”

Julie R., United States

“Sorry but i am completily falling in love whith you and your work! Congratulations!”

Maria Cristina Z., Brazil

“This morning I downloaded your music and put it right on. My daughter who was playing, just stopped, and went lying down, and is now listening.... She just said: ‘Mama, I like very much this music, it is very beautiful’.”

Anne G., Chile

“We love your music and play your cds at work at the spa (Vancouver Island, Canada). Clients keep asking who this is and we then always tell them and promote you. Keep up the great work!”

Angela and Dale, Canada

“I use your music during reiki sessions at the Marie Curie Hospice - the patients love your music, often fall asleep they are so relaxed.  I’d be lost without it!”

Morna S.

“Your music and sounding transports me instantly to another level of my being, where I feel completely at one. A beautiful remembrance…”

Shola C., Australia

“For some (maybe not so) obscure reasons your voice is very familiar to me. I have no idea how you perceive it yourself, but I perceive it as a highly specialized tool to open up portals to other dimensions. Every time I hear your voice I perceive open spaces and fresh air, domes filled with light and the opening of gateways to dimensions with a higher vibration. A very pleasant sensation!”

Katharina H., Germany


“Dearest One of the Most Divine Sound,

I listened to everything you have available on your website.  Anders, I was instantly, deeply and profoundly touched!  My Heart felt such beautiful, expanded, pure Divine Love.  Tears were streaming down my face and at the same time I had this Radiant Smile glowing on my face that is still there.  I get this Smile of pure Joy when I feel deeply connected to God. The Sacred Sound of your Voice, God's Voice flowing through you with such incredible Beauty and Clarity lifted me immediately into multidimensional awareness and exquisite Love.  The lyrics in “Returning” touched my Heart and Soul profoundly. 

I experienced such a deep resonance with all the Sounds of “Lemurian Home Coming”.  When I heard the songs from your CD my whole being began to resonate, pulse, and get very warm.  I know those Sounds and I know you.  At points I just naturally joined in with the Sounds as they felt very familiar.  I feel very Blessed.  Thank you beyond words, my Beautiful Radiant Friend of the Most Divine Sacred Sounds. 

Anders, may you be forever Blessed with God's Grace and Glory.  May you be ever inspired by the Love and Joy of your Divine Essence.  May you continue to share your Sacred Sounds with those yet sleeping that they too may awaken to the Truth that they are Divine and Home is always in their Heart.

With great Gratitude, Divine Love, and Radiant Joy.”

Tempril, United States

“Anders, I put your CD on and the tingles overtook me.  I could feel spirit taking hold of my body.  No kidding.  For the whole CD it was like that, just tingling all up and down my body.  You definitely have something there.”


“Your voice brings me to other realms, my gratitude for that!

Are you planning to bring your voice to the Netherlands some day again? And keep on creating, please.”

Auling Hu, Netherlands

“I was introduced to your music recently by my Reiki teacher and am finding it very helpful and calming.”

Joanne N.   

“I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE your music!  Every night I listen to my favorite of yours, Dream of the Blue Whale - it is SO soothing to my Soul.  I am also enjoying thoroughly Atlantis Remembers!  Thank you for sharing your voice, Heart and music!”

Sherri C.

“Anders. You were simply amazing in Sedona at the Kryon event. Worth travelling from New Zealand for. Thanks for being one of the highlights. Brilliant!”

Hariata Hema, New Zealand

“Thank you. Your music is so wonderful that you can make me in whatever you want. :-) “

Stefan Th., Germany

“I have listened to your albums today for the first time. I love Lemuria and Blue Whale very much!”

Antonella N., Italy

“Thank you so much for the big gift of a new CD with your music. In my eyes one of the best presents i can choose for my friends and 'Family'.“

Daniela F., Italy

“Be bright, be safe, be well and a million thank you’s for your beautifully healing, positively encouraging, lovingly warm and enveloping music!”

Anita T. & John S.

“Thank you for sharing your beautiful work. Peggy Phoenix Dubro was playing your music at a workshop here in Budapest last week and that was the first time I had come across it. Now it is playing here at home as well. Bliss!”

Julia L., Hungary

“Thank you so much, Anders! I just love your music! Please keep making it!”

Kärt J., Estonia

“Loved your music in Hamburg, bought all your cd's! At night i listen to the Dream Of The Blue Whale, in the car i listen to the Lemurian Home Coming. Feels like home, so thank you for the music!”

Ingrid Z., Germany

“I am live in Germany. I like your wonderful voice..when i teach Yoga. I often use this song in the end.. and we all enjoy so much...from your voice...Here i send you all my thanksful. May joy and Love always be with you.”

Chiayu L., Germany

“I received your awesome CD and just love it. It brings me to a familiar place, like the place I long for when I’m homesick. You are very talented and touched my heart. Thank you.”

Tanya T.

“I fall in love with your sound. It has been a lifetime since I've had an opportunity to hear you again. Hope our paths will cross one day, music at heart and beyond.”

Angelo R., United States

“Usually I am the one that provides healing for others and it is very special and rare when something or someone does something for me. Your music is a blessing! Thank you so much for the healing that you are sending to so many souls!”

Pavleta St.

“I love your albums. When I was a child there was a forest behind our home. At the top of our acreage there was a lovely small canyon that had wonderful acoustics. I used to love to stand at the top of the canyon and tone and listen to how the sound came back to me. I didn't know I was toning, but I experienced feeling my mind clear and a peace would come over me. Your music brings back these wonderful feelings.”


“My partner Roberto and me, we were at the Kryon event in Milano Marittima and it has been a wonderful experience for us to listen you singing. we bought there two CDs (Lemurian home coming and Dream of the blue whale) and we are playing both each day and night, and again, it's an ongoing experience. thank you very much for this big gift. We look forward to meet you again in Italy. Heartfelt hugs!”

Daniela & Roberto, Italy

“Hello dear. i am a clinical psychologist and an artist. i paint on cabbles from the sea and on bazalt stone. since i ran into your musique i cannot stop listening. and i love painting with it. it takes me to fly very far.“

Sarry R., Israel

“My favourite is Lemurian Homecoming.  I was introduced to the second track during a massage in Mexico last month.  It resonated with me on many levels.  I am now incorporating it as part of my daily meditation practice. Thank you for the beautiful music you create - it is truly transcendent.”

Brent L., USA

“I just wanted to express my gratitude and respect... Your music is so magic, beautiful... it touches my heart deaply. Thank you.”

Kalina S., Poland

“This music is very special. I heard it yesterday during a massage.  It was a factor in my being able to receive unprecedented love coming to me from my ancestors, grandmothers, the Mother Earth and more through the hands of the massage therapist. Thank you for making this music.”

Rochelle B.

“Your music is so beautiful and healing. Thank you for sharing it with the world.”

Carol Montoya, United States

“When I listen to you singing I remember myself what it is meant to sing ... you are a true soul-singer! It touches my heart and soul so deeply ... thank you!!!”

Karolin R., Germany

“I have downloaded your cds and LOVE it!!! Your music is totally DIVINE!!!!!”

Maria D.

“I just returned from a shaman ceremony where we listened to your albums. It was SO AMAZING ! the perfect music for this ritual; it leaves so much space. thank you also for “I Am Returning” ! take care and don´t stop producing sound pearls.”

Aurel B., Germany

“A friend of me told me of your work and let me listen to your voice and cd. I couldn't stop crying and love was running up and down my being. Can't explain this, but i know you and you are dear to me. This is a very powerful thing and i can't do anything about it. What i am trying to say is thank you for you and your work.”

Caroline S., Netherlands

“I have your CDs Lemurian Home Coming, Atlantis Remembers and Oh-Be-Ahn. I loved your music…. but forgot it. Last week I was looking for a CD and found your CDs. Oh-Be-Ahn is my favourite and I play it before I fall asleep. It is WONDERfull music. Relaxation enters my body and my soul, my total being.”

Cockie M., Netherlands

“I love Anders’ music. It helped me through a difficult time, he makes me smile with kindness when i see his picture :-) “

Dean C.

“Breathing in your music I truly feel I'm "coming home,” floating gently in the waters of Lemuria. I am not alone. All who hear are transfixed. Thank you for sharing your gift. Blessings to you both.”

Carol K., Jacksonville, FL. USA

“Thanks, by the way this is a divine voice!!! Wow. Glad I can hear it.”

Dina K., United States 


Corine L., United States

“Thank you so much Anders. Your music was a great help to go through different times of my life. Much Love from France!”

Marinette ☼♥

“THANK YOU for your music! It's divinely inspiring and peacefull. Keep inspiring the world.” 

Patrícia P., Portugal

“I want to thank you for the way you are expressing and serving your extraordinary beautiful music to the world(s)! For me it was a very intense but gentle moment when I heard your voice and your music the first time...feeling your soul touching mine... Lots of Love, and thank you again!”

Carmen S., Germany

“Yesterday I heard your voice and it overwhelmed me. I read what you said about the spirit coming through the voice - and I can just agree! That's the most beautiful "thing" that can come through a singing person. Thank you for sharing so much love with the world!”

Elena A., Austria

“Thank you for your most beautiful multidimensional sounds of music..your work is so mature, transparent, healing and uplifting..I am a singer and have been transforming the ways of relating to music from those vibrato days :)  Thank you for making such a difference and making such a transformational impact…”

Sofia, United States

“I am enjoying your music very much. Your albums to Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt… each one has brought tears and a depth of listening to something that is just beyond my current memory. Thank you.”

Jennifer G., Australia

“I absolutely LOVE your music! Thank you much for bringing this language of love to us again. I've enjoyed hearing of and reading your own personal journey.”

Penny B., United States

“Your music touches my soul in the most mysteriously sad way.  I feel this longing and sadness of missing people whom I love…like I am very far away.  Once I call in my loving angels and guides to surround me I feel much better. Thank you for creating such a beautiful experience for me, I really do not have words to describe it.”

Stephanie V., United States


“Thank you so much, Anders. Your music is divine. Please, carry on with your work. It's a bless to the world.”

Cristina B. 

“Your music moved me to tears literally. There are no words to describe the emotions that came from my being after hearing your music.”

Gillian C., United States

“Once again, I want to thank you for making your music. It is so ‘familiar’ to me... It makes sense, it does feel like home or something my soul already knows. It is a truly beautiful experience each time I hear it… As well, my cat Felix especially likes it and comes to listen close to the speakers :) He only does that with one other CD I have, which is a chakra mediation using ancient tibetan singing bowls.”

Beth S.

“Your music brings me such joy and peace. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world. Your soulful creations leave me breathless.”

Laura H., Canada

“Yesterday, we were listening to your music and my daughter Elhaia of 2 years old began to move in waves with her eyes closed. I asked her ‘you are dancing?’ And she said... ‘no, silence, I am meditating….’  Have a great day. And tell me as soon as you do a CD for children. Your music is very much needed!!!!!!”

Anne G., Chile


“Finally i listen your music and buyed by internet. You make me cry and all my heart talks and sound in this frequency. I'm happy that you exist in this world and find your soul into the music for your happiness!”

Adriana A., Italy

“Great, really fantastic..I have no words to describe what I feel when listening your music, especially ‘Lemurian Home Coming’, which brings us to the other side of the Cosmos. Thanks for this divine present.”

Luc G., Turkey

“Your CD album Lemurian Home Coming is amazing! So beautiful and grounding - feels like home :) I also ordered CD album Returning. I like it, too. Very different from Home Coming but makes me feel joyful. Thank you very much for your music!!”

Pirjo L., Finland

Your marvellous CDs are more than music. Your voice is cleaning, opening and fulfilling my home with the peace of the New. Thank you, deeply connected.”

Amadea, Austria

“Wonderful, lovely, exstatic, mmmmmmusic… Bless you!”

Hilde D., Belgium

“I love all your music and your spiritual voice touches every cell of my soul.”

Sherri D., United States

“Your music and presence was absolutely one of the most impactful and powerful energies of the entire event. I am addicted to your music now! Aloha from Maui.”

Rae J., Hawaii, USA

“I absolutely adore your “Lemurian Home Coming”, and I listened to your "I am Returning" yesterday. I am sure I am not the only one who burst into tears when listening to this song that is able to touch hearts at a very deep and special place and bring out such precious feelings in such a beautiful way. Your song once again made me realize in awe and utterly cherish the magic of music... Thank you for your amazingly touching and lovely song.”

Alev, Turkey

“I cannot express what a powerful force your music has played in my life during the last few years. Many thanks for the hauntingly beautiful songs.” 

Barbara M., Ireland

“I feel like I've been transported to my Essene past life! To say that I love your music would be an understatement.  I am now extremely excited to meditate to your "Timeless Prayer" and see where it takes me. :) “

Jason D, United States

“The music is so magic and I would not live without it. Thank you for this beautiful music, it makes grey day colored.” 

Gabriela L., Switzerland

“Keep glowing like you do, because your voice is always a secret peaceful garden in my playlist. When the wind brings waves in my lake, your voice helps me to remember where I come from. I'm glad you are here on the planet.”

Audrey M., France